“Damn. We are in a great place right now, eh Brock?” “Yeah. We are in a great spot all in the snow buried in our house. Having blankets cover us, sometimes multiple. Yeah you’re right Grock”
I sighed as I turned off my television showing the weather forecast. I hope the snow is gonna be removed soon I need to buy groceries. My parents are in their own house a couple blocks away and they have bought groceries yesterday so they are gonna be fine. I guess I could live off of microwavable food for now.
Ordinary. What is ordinary? I mean am I ordinary? Are you, the reader ordinary? Sadly I can’t answer that, but I can…? I don’t know what I’m really doing here. I don’t really know anywhere to use it. I don’t think I could use the word ordinary to describe anyone or anything. I think I could use it as… um… er actually never use it. I don’t really think that this word has any use. I mean it’s not like I used it anywhere or actually researched about it. I find the word really… maybe… kind of confusing at times. It’s incredible.
I took a walk yesterday and I’m gonna write all about it (mostly the interesting stuff). I was supposed to write yesterday but I was too tired.
Anyway, at the start Grace and I were on the SkyTrain going to a place to take a walk. We took a wrong exit and we ended up seeing a weird parade. Anyway, Then we went to the “Vancouver Art Gallery”. and looked at art. The images of art are below.
The station’s name sign.
There are some plates and really big bowls that I like. There are also some vases there on the second floor.
This is a tree Grace and I were looking at before we were meeting Gloria outside.
Grace walking towards mea really cool targeta bird monster
This photo is white because I was so close to it that it turned white. It was originally black.
This is a really cool artificial tree. After we took a walk and met with Gloria and we bought some bubble tea. I got strawberry with pearls and Grace got something with grass jelly, and Gloria got something with pearls.
After that I went home and my legs were so sore, you can’t imagine the pain! I ate dinner and watched the first episode of Loki.
Today was fathers day and it was a very good day. First off, my family and I went to the library today and I got some THICK boy books, along with small boy books. I read some of them and I have a lot more to go!
About my Dad’s day (today): My sisters and I made a little thing for dad and it was pretty cute. We made a coulorful bok choy thingy and some small, flat mushrooms. I did a small portion of the gift and my sisters did most of it (I was asleep in the meantime).
We all have them. Sometimes here, sometimes there, sometimes in your underwear! But seriously we do. There are the basic ones like happy, sad, mad, angry and calm. There are other feelings too. But those are also emotions. You can feel the emotion. That’s how they are related. I don’t like to talk about my own feelings because I don’t like too and I think it’s awkward. 🙂
In the SEEKERS series there is a lot happening. First the basics, There is 1 black bear, 2 brown bears, 1 polar bear in the first series. In the second one brown bear dies so there is 1 brown bear, 1 black bear and 2 polar bears. They travel around Canada. They start around the Rocky Mountains I think and they work there way up. The polar bear starts at Hudson’s Bay. The second polar bear comes from the territories. They originally tried to go to the endless ice, which I guess is in the territories. The second series has them find their home again. At the end of the last book in the second series it has the last chapter show the bears and their cubs at the gathering for all of the bears (it’s so cute and mushy!!!). They do all kinds of things, like trap a whole pack of wolves, kill a pack of coyotes. They crossed, what’s called Big river in the book that has really strong waves. They crossed a so called “Smoke Mountain” which I think is a volcano.