Today I got a kinder egg from Gloria I opind it and it was Iron fist he is one of my faivrit. I love it there was choglit in it!!!!!
Author: Gabriel Yin
The dog
This week Gab is geting a dog it is on Friday the yere of the dog when you get to eat domplens. The dog is wite and black and so cute and its a helpful dog Gab tack him walks. They name her cutey!!!!!!
A TV part 4
So they work and work and work then In November 15 it werk they were so so so so SO SO SO HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Then they wach TV all day again they wach and wach and wach TV!!!!!!!! THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!
Valentines day and prep
Today it is Valentine’s day at school I got stuff too. last night I went to prep when I came home it was snowing. At school we decaratid our harts we startid yesterday and I finisht today I love my hart that I made!!!!!!!!!
A TV part 3
So they work and work that day on February 13 it werct the next day they were all so so so so so so so SO SO SO HAPPY! They wach TV every day in till 2019 the TV broke of cors they work. Now they are so so so SO SO SAD!!!!!!!
The TV part 2
Then in February 12 it werckt they were so happy that it werckt. They wacht TV all day long. The next day it did not werck they were so so so so so so SO SAD they startid to cry all day long super sad. So then they werct as hard as they can!!!!!!
The TV Part 1
Occe opon a time There was a familys TV was brockin and the dad was fixing it. But it did not werck that day the next day it still dint werck. So evry day they werckt on it and werckt and werckt and werckt. They were all sad becuse they cant watch TV forever!!!!!!!!!!
A potato part 6
They ran and ran and ran and ran and the dog and the man and the lady said were did they go. The potato and the tmato hid in there car and the dog and the man and the lady did not see them in there the man and the dog and the lady went back home. THE END!!!!!!!
A potato part 5
Then they ran into a person and the lady said get off of me. they ran and ran and ran to a ice cream truck and the man and the lady saw them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they said. they ran into a dog and the dog came caching them the dog and the man and the lady said you shell pay for this!!!!!!!!!
A Potato part 4
Then they said ahahahahahahahahahahah and off they ran to a car. Then a man saw them they screamd ahahahahahahaha and the man said get out of here now said the man now!!!!!!!!!!!