Billy cry’d even harder and harder Billy made the hous flud oh no.
The water meltid so the hous was fine!!!!!!!!!!!
About my life.
Billy cry’d even harder and harder Billy made the hous flud oh no.
The water meltid so the hous was fine!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad is coming home from china soon.
There are three more days to wait.
He left the day right after his birthday.
My birthday is coming.
There are 2 more weeks until my birthday!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Billy but we like this car Billy star’tid crying.
Dad and mom and Billy’s sister did not no wot to do!!!!!!!!
Billy’s family is geting a new car Billy hop’es it is big and red.
But the car was small and blue Billy was sad Billy said I don’t like this car!!!!!!!
Today it is poring I went to school when it is poring.
I did not have fun!!!!!!!!!
‘The fat cat pushed Boom out of the house ow said Boom.
‘Get out of here said dad NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO answered Boom.
‘They smacked the door on Boom That’s how boom was defeated. The End!!!!!!!!
The next day Boom came back, “moo ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA!!!” said Boom.
“The family were runing away from boom Moo ha ha ha HA HA.
“The fat cat twerld arawd to Fight so Boom and the fat cat fot and fot!!!!!!!!!
“Hi, fat cat,” said the boy. Cat said, “Are you here to play with me?” “Yes,” said the boy.
“I, love when you play with me said the cat. Let’s play catch and do your work said the boy.
“Fine, said the cat. Dad could the boy to eat banana loaf so the boy ate banana loaf the cat did work and the boy ate banana loaf.
The cat play’d with thew boy all day long they play’d and play’d and play’d. They were having fun all day long.
At night they take a kiss good night on the cheek and a hug!!!!!!!
Make make make said the boy nice song said dad.
We are don said dad okay I am going to play with the cat okay.
Okay dad said!!!!!!
Play play play play can I stop now yes son said mom.
Can I help you make banana loaf dad yes son yay said the boy happliy!!!!!!!