Yesterday I got Gloria home from pepan. I made something for her it was a ring!!!!!!!
Author: Gabriel Yin
Playing club Pangwin
Yesterday I play’d club Pangwin. I only need one more puffle it is gona be brown.
I love it!!!!!!!!
Arctic ecsblor part 1
Today the cars are racing on the arctic.
3,2,1 GO!!!
they are fast. They were to fast that the poler bear came!!!!!!
Rolling Potato Part 9
They walk or slither up the hill. Then they were so tired that they fell. But the Vegetable Squad saved Potato. They rolled back home to their beds. They were so tired that they dreamed of walking up the hill. Then next day, they were in a hole. But it was just a dream!
The End!!!!!
Roling potato part 8
The team stop the sqadd. That was so so SO SO AMAZING!!!
They are tire’d of roling!!!!!!!!!
Roling potato part 7
Tomato hit water melen in the butt. Aow said water melen. Some people in the team start roling!!!!!!!!
Roling potato part 6
Becuse it JUST IS said Potato. Still you shoun’t yell IN MY FACE said tomato.OKAY said potato!!!!!!!
Roling part 5
Then water melan hit some poeple in the vetchtable sqad. They trip’t and fell that is a hard rock. THIS IS DEEP shout’d potato. Can you not scream in my face said tomato. Potato said oh OKAY!!!
Water melen was lafghfng while falling. Tomato said why is it so deep!!!!!!!
Roling potato part 4
The rest of the groop ran down the hole to help.
Some stade up in case people go down there.
They are shouting HERE WE COME!!!
They cot up to potato and tomato!!!!!!!!
Roling potato part 3
Potato hit tomato under ground with him. They were scard.
Water melen was scard too they all scream’d AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
that was loud!!!!!!!!!!