I love watching people play Minecraft. I even pretend to play the game. It is so much fun watching people play it!!!!!!!
Author: Gabriel Yin
songs I like
Did you know that I like a lot of music. I like Notoday, I need you girl, Bang bang bang. My favorite song is SHOOT ME!!!!!!!
Field trip 2
Today I went on a field trip with my class and two other classes. I told you that right. It was fun. I got a chance to use binoculars. My friend and I were having a fun time together!!!!!!!!!!
Field trip 1
Tomorrow is a class field trip to Stanley park. I went to Stanley park before. I went last year with my family and a cousin. We will do some crafts there. They will be talking about bats. We will go with two french classes!!!!!!
Did you hear that crack
I hear cracks some times that is from my body. Whenever we talk about it or when I hear it I say I am an old man.
Yesterday I went trick-or-treating. I got a lot of candy. I went trick-or-treating with my neighbor. It was a lot of fun.
TODAY IS HALLOWEEN!!!! My costume is actually THE SILVER MIRROR NINJA!!!!! I am sorry that I said the name wrong. I am wearing my costume right now. It has mirrors. I love my costume A LOT!!!!!! I will tell you about trick-or-treat later. HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ALL!!!!!!!!
About Halloween again
Tomorrow is HALLOWEEN!!! That’s why so many kids are exited including me. For Halloween I am going to be THE BLACK MIRROR NINJA!!! At school tomorrow we will have a permissions. I will be singing with my class and other classes. I will tell you about tomorrow at my next blog!!!!!!!!!!
The pumpkin patch and about Halloween
Today at school it was the pumpkin patch. It was too muddy for me. We had hot chocolate. On Halloween I am going to be the black mirror ninja.It does not have weapons. I will enjoy my costume on Halloween!!!!!!!!!
The craft
Today at school we had a craft. We had to make puppit. It was a scaredy sqirl puppit!!!!!!!!