Yesterday I went to the library. I got twenty one books. Some are big some are small. I love reading!!!!!!!!!
Author: Gabriel Yin
Last day of school for term one
Today is the last day of school for term one. Terms are parts of the whole year that has school. I love school. It is sad when school ends!!!!!!!!!!
Today there is a lot of really strong wind. There are lots of trees falling down. Some places do not have any electricity. It is very sad and dangerous!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday I almost got SICK!!!!! That is it for today. No no no it is not over. Let me tell you about it. It was painful because my throat hurt and I had a head ache!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah
TODAY IS THE BEST DAY!!!!!! Because we are performing tomorrow and I performed today. I feel so happy!!!!!!!!!
Tonight I am eating sushi for dinner. I love calaforniaroll. It is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!
I am doing a maze with my friends. There names are Billy and Luan. They are my new friends!!!!!!!!
A snack
I am eating a snack right now. A snack is like goldfish,chips,seaweed, and crackers. By the way I am eating goldfish right now!!!!!!!!!
moms b’day part one
TODAY PRESENTS MOMS BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! I have been calling mom baby,baby,baby. We laughed that I called her baby!!!!!!!!!
Inside day
Today at school it was an inside day. I had a LLLOOOTTT of fun. I wish my mom and dad was there. It was pretty loud there!!!!!!