Today it has been a horrible day once again. I was playing soccer and the other team cheated so my team cheated back and you know what happened they closed the game. I mean like they started the cheating so it is there fault. I am disappointed in the other teams players!!!!!!!!!
Author: Gabriel Yin
Mad Soccer
Today I had a terrible horrible no good very bad day because the other soccer team was cheating in soccer. They cheated by hitting the ball out of the goalies hands which happened to me. They also cheated when my best friend was going to score. Do you know why,it was because when he kicked the ball the other teams player closed the net!!!!!!!!
Today I am wow. Like WOW! I love the way I say WOW! I am impressed of something you do WOW!
No school
Hey do you know what my favorite days are Sunday and Saturday. Which is also the weekend and that is today. Oh yeah no school!!!!!!!!
I like…
Today I will tell you the things that I like. I like to sleep,eat,read, and play. I like to eat pizza,noodles,tofu, and french fries. I like to play manhunt,soccer, and my made up games!!!!!!!!!!!
No fun
I had a terrible horrible no good very bad day yesterday. First of all I was bored yesterday. Second of all I was sleepy!!!!!!!!!!!
Rain Snow and My Secret for a few days
It was suppose to rain but yet it is snowing today. I did not have fun in the snow. Also I was sick the last two days. That is my secret to YOU! I do not like being sick!!!!!!!
Soccer 2
Today I was playing soccer with the same people I played yesterday. I saw my best friend in soccer get kicked out of the soccer game. He was kicked out of the game because he accidently hit someone in the face with the soccer ball!!!!!!!!
Today I played something sad and mad. It was soccer that made me sad and mad. First of all the other people on the other team called me and my teammates names. I was done with them. They do not even care if someone was hurt!!!!!!!!!
Every day at school me and my class do math before lunch time. Sometimes it is hard,sometimes it is easy!!!!!!!!!!!