I AM VERY MAAAAAAAAAAD! Do you know why? It is because of someone that hit me super hard on my hand. It hurt a lot!!!!!!!!
Author: Gabriel Yin
Today I will tell you how much I love Youtube. I LOVE IT! There are a lot of videos on Youtube!!!!!!!!
WOW, Minecraft is the best game ever. It is so good, and I love it!!!!!!!!
wood pecker
Today a wood pecker was pecking on my chimney. It was really fast. My mom told me that on the way home from school. I was laughing!!!!!!!
Wait what?
Hi today I was surprised in soccer today, Do you know why? It is because the points is a tie, zero zero!!!!!!!!!
Today I played soccer in basketball style, do you know what it is? Well I can tell you, it is using a soccer ball and throwing it in the net!!!!!!!!
Rain again
Hi today it is raining a lot. Yesterday was raining a lot as well, it is not fun!!!!!!!!
Yesterday at night me and my mom were hugging and mom accidentally broke my foutrene teller. I was disappointed and sad!!!!!!!!
Foutron teller
Right here beside me is a fourton teller. I love it, it is the best. Do you like them!!!!!!!!
Today it is Monday, a school day. Today is a day to play outside. Today is a day for some fun games!!!!!!!!