School is great. You get to learn things that you might not even need but they force you to learn it. You are also bored during recess periods. Other than that it’s great. Oh wait. I forgot how bad some of the people are. The teachers are great (most of them). I have three other boys that I hang out with everyday outside and they’re all great. Sone people at school are kind of weird but I’m not going to get into that. The art projects are fun and I like that because my two sisters can help me in it.
Author: Gabriel Yin
There is ABSOULUTLEY NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT. I have no idea what to write about. I’ve already written about anything that comes to my mind so there is no point in writing the same thing. I’ve written about food, holidays (there are no holidays currently that are interesting), video games, stories, my vaccine… Oh I got my second covid vaccine the other day. Kind of similar to my first dose. I’ve also written about, walks, sports, my interests, my dislikes, my family, nature, cars, words meanings, my life, what is happening at the moment of updates, when I’m sick (which I haven’t been for a while and for that I’m grateful), furniture, more food, art, building, snacks, stuffys, shopping, birthdays (There aren’t any birthdays at the moment) and a lot more. As you can see I’m running out of ideas (or not if you are one of my sisters who think I should use the topic ideas doc, though I already wrote about everything that’s on there… sisters: please add some stuff on that doc). Anyway, I’m still trying to think of a topic, either for today or for next week if I keep on rambling about this topic of not being able to find a topic. I mean I hope I can ramble about this topic for a thousand words. It’s not very likely though. I don’t think I’m able to think of a topic without that doc at the moment (sigh).
“We are the local police force, tell us your name as we interview you,” said the man at my door. “Wendy Mo,” I stammered.
“Good, you answered honestly as the person who worked with a wanted criminal, Orville Salk.”
“What do you mean ‘worked with’?” I asked.
“He came in the house and you let him out perfectly free and with no scratches.”
“He came into my house with a gun sir. He was gonna fire if I didn’t let him go without hitting him.”
“Oh really? He always comes to this house when he breaks a crime.”
“I just moved in a few weeks ago. Surely he didn’t break a law in the last few weeks?”
Lunar New Year (2022)
Today is Chinese New Year! We had a great dinner yesterday on Chinese New Year eve so we still had most of it today for todays dinner. This year is the year of the tiger. Sadly I’m not a tiger, but I AM a bunny. Being a bunny means that next year is MY year. I ‘ll be twelve! yay… heh heh heh. Every year that is after tiger is MY year, the bunny one! We didn’t do anything for Lunar New Year at school like the younger grades so I didn’t really remember that it was the new year.
I walked over to the door with my shovel ready. I opened the door to see… a man with a gun pointed right at me.
” Wait what is going on her-”
“Shut up pathetic little girl,” the man said. ” let me in the house or I’ll fire.” I let him in the house since I didn’t want to die yet. All the man did was look at the news and go.
“Say, what’s your name?” I asked him. He didn’t respond. Then he stood up and said “Thanks.” Then he left. An hour later I heard another knock on my door.
“Damn. We are in a great place right now, eh Brock?” “Yeah. We are in a great spot all in the snow buried in our house. Having blankets cover us, sometimes multiple. Yeah you’re right Grock”
I sighed as I turned off my television showing the weather forecast. I hope the snow is gonna be removed soon I need to buy groceries. My parents are in their own house a couple blocks away and they have bought groceries yesterday so they are gonna be fine. I guess I could live off of microwavable food for now.
*knock knock*
Wait what’s that?
Ordinary. What is ordinary? I mean am I ordinary? Are you, the reader ordinary? Sadly I can’t answer that, but I can…? I don’t know what I’m really doing here. I don’t really know anywhere to use it. I don’t think I could use the word ordinary to describe anyone or anything. I think I could use it as… um… er actually never use it. I don’t really think that this word has any use. I mean it’s not like I used it anywhere or actually researched about it. I find the word really… maybe… kind of confusing at times. It’s incredible.
I got my first dose of the Covid vaccine the other day. It took a while to get there but when it was time to get it, it was fast. Before we set out for my vaccine we thought of things to bring. I thought of my Sudoku book and my Hippo who has been with me for a long time. When we set out my dad asked if I was nervous and I don’t remember what my response was. We ended up in a really long car line to get my vaccine. I got it on the car. It was easier for them if I sat on the left side of the car so I did. I got a sticker in the end and now it’s on my door.
I like some animals and I also don’t like some animals. I love cats. They are really cute, but they might be really hard to deal with at times. I also really, REALLY hate dogs. I don’t know why but I hate them a lot. It might be my experiences with dogs or just because they are really loud. I’m really scared of spiders and bugs in general. Although they are smaller than me by a bit I’m still very scared. Speaking of which I haven’t seen any in a while ( I shouldn’t jinx it, should I). I might do a part 2 to this.
BOOM! An explosion happened in the City of Gabriel. “The explosion has caused many injuries but no deaths… yet,” the news reporter said. “Now to Gabriel himself on the explosion.”
“The explosion was terrible, we were just about to rebuild the whole city after the tornado that happened three years ago. Now we have to rebuild the whole city again AND cover all the holes it made,” Gabriel said. “The man who had set the bomb has not been caught but we know the man. The man has a record of doing terrible things around the world. We haven’t found the man but we know that he always goes to the same spot after each bad thing he has done. Now back to you reporter”
“The explosion has made a big impact on putting us farther back on rebuilding. Check back in tomorrow on ‘Gabriel News.'”