You know whats great about siblings? They don’t make you bored or sad, but I do not like it when my siblings do not get along with me!!!!!!!!!!
Author: Gabriel Yin
Dolphins are really really cool!/ super duper cool! They are the same type of animals as us, they are mammals!!!!!!!!!!
I love chips, they are the best, especially the Ruffles brand. I also like a lot of Lays flavors. Doritos are not the best. I love sour cream!!!!!!!!
The Best Book
The best book on earth is… your imagination book! I love those books!They are awesome. Do you like them?!!!!!!!!!
I love food. I love water. I love everything that can go into you. I love to eat junk food and healthy foods. Eat more healthy food than junk food. I do not like food like out of control. I am not fat or skinny. Do you like eating food?!!!!!!
Dog Man
Dog Man is a series of books. They are a type of comics. Their comics are really good, I love’em The series are actually pretty short. I want you to tell me how much YOU like them because I am a big fan of the books. I hope you like their books!!!!!!!!!
What Will It Be Like
What will it be like to be in Mrs. Rickers class. We got big chairs! I think there is nothing to worry about. I would want to be in her class than other Grade three teachers. Most of the people in my class last year are in my class this year!!!!!!!!!!
I know what class I am in, I am in Mrs Rickers class. My wish came true. I am so lucky. My room number is thirteen and my division is thirteen. I have twenty one people in my class including me. Some of my friends are not in my class!!!!!!!!!!
Mom And Dad
Moms and dads are important to you and your siblings. They help you cook dinner do the laundry and most of all care about you. When your sad they do everything they can for you. Do not pretend to be sad. You have have to care about your parents now!!!!!!!!!
First Full Day
Today was my first full day of school. It is so bad, I want to go home at school. School is hard already. I want to stay at home whenever I am at school. I am always very tired when I am at school. Turns out the person who liked me still likes me!!!!!!!!!!!