I finished all of my chapter books in my book box at school. Most of them were really long, and it took weeks to finish the book. It took a day to finish only one book once!!!!!!!!
Author: Gabriel Yin
Forza Horizon
I like playing a game called Forza Horizon. Forza Horizon is a game where you can buy cars and race with them. You can also explore the maps. Me and my dad were so interested in it that we bot the second game. The third and forth game of Forza Horizon are available for you to buy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gloria is 16
Today is my sister Gloria’s first day of being sixteen, which means it is her birthday. She has homework to do this year on her birthday. I gave Gloria something that she can plan things with!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why I hate Thursdays
Did you know that I hate Thursdays for this whole school year. I hate Thursdays because the people that like me are in that class and they are grade two’s. I am inĀ grade THREE. They chase me at school when they are bored!!!!!!!!!!
Mad Science 2
Today was my third day of mad science. I think mad science is really fun. For five more Wednesdays you get to take home something!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pitch Black [Walk through]
There was a boy named Fred he was a very good boy. He had a sister named Ana. she was a calm girl and a very independent. They had a baby boy named Tony. He was very cute. Fred’s mom work’s at a shoe store, Fred’s dad works at home!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving! I am so exited to see what we are going to eat for thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a day where you should be thankful and giving. I am thankful for a lot of things!!!!!!!!!!!
I watch a lot of types of cartoons. There are company’s that do many cartoons. I do not like the ones that are short!!!!!!!!!!
Time is very important and we need it to survive. Time is something that tells you what time of day it is. I sometimes hate time, especially when I am bored!!!!!!!!!
Sorta new play ground
Our school took down a play ground and rebuilt a new one on that spot. I still like the old one better than the new one. I wish they just redid the paint!!!!!!!!!