I am writing a story at home. It is about three ultimate abandoned cars that are super cars. By super cars I mean super heroes but cars. I have the cars that I am writing about. The super cars were from my mom because I behaved good at the dentist!!!!!!!!!
Author: Gabriel Yin
I was thinking of building a giant jump that leads to a pool in Minecraft. But I do not know where to build it and how I am going to build it. I will explore tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Halloween 2
Today is actually Halloween. I do not like Halloween. I do not like it because it is to scary and spooky. I am not trick-or-treating this year. I am not in the Halloween mode!!!!!!!!!!!!
I built a house and a observatory in Minecraft. The house is really big. It has a library that is Gloria’s room. My pet rabbits room.[my rabbit died] My room and Grace’s room, and the jail on the second floor. The dining table and kitchen are close to each other. The living room and My mom’s and dad’s room on the first floor. The observatory is small and bad!!!!!!!!!
Since I already talked about Ninjago. I will talk about the new season, season eleven. It is about the ice ninja Zane. He turnes into a bad guy!!!!!!!!!!!
What a story needs
Every story needs a problem a setting [where takes place] and characters. It also needs a beginning, middle and end. You need quotation marks when a character is talking. I love reading stories that have those in it!!!!!!!!!!!
I forgot to do something yesterday. I think you already know. I forgot to do my blog. I did not have internet yesterday, but when I got it, it was time for dinner. After dinner I forgot to do my blog because I was playing Forza Horizon 2 and 1. I am sad that I did not do my blog!!!!!!!!!!!
Halloween is a day that is sorta of a holiday… I guess. Halloween is next week! I am still not in the Halloween mode. I am going to be a panda for Halloween. I don’t really want to trick-or-treat!!!!!!!!!!!!
Power’d Heroes
There were three cars who are named Lighter, Awesome and Weird. Lighter is really the one who is the assistant. Weird is… well he’s just weird. Well Awesome is cool and focused. So, one day they were at a car supermarket and they wanted to buy chips, but when they got to the chips section… all of them were mysteriously all gone?
I love to eat chips. There are a lot of types of chips. Normally I like all of the chips I ate before, but most of the time I like them!!!!!!!!!