I’m really good at racing in the Forza Horizon games. The games all have cool and weird cars. I can throw them way behind me in free for all races. I usually lose in showcase events, which are races against one person in a different vehicle. I really want them to make a game for next year!!!!!!!!!!


I find something weird. It’s that I normally get a lot of videos in my home, but today there wasn’t as much. There were only two. That’s super weird right? I don’t think there are going to be a lot of fun today. Do you think that’s weird? See you next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OH RIGHT! There are two more weeks of school! I can hang out and think of what school will be like in term two. I am excited to not wake up in the morning and be awaken by my mom, instead I can get up at twelve! I can also stay up late and play video games!!!!!!!!!!!!


I built six Lego guns, an axe and a koala sword. I built them yesterday. They are right beside me and are very cool. The sword is called a koala sword because the top looks like a koala. It has all the powers because it is rainbow coloured. I am creative!!!!!!!!!!

build 1

I built a rollecoaster, a house and an igloo in minecraft. I am also working on a hotel in minecraft. It is going to be really cool! I am still working on the first floor. The first floor is going to be a lobby and a store. I can’t wait to tell you more! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!