WOW! I just got three stars of going the farthest in Forza Horizon 4 for a few times. I never thought I could do that and surprisingly just now I got three stars again. On one jump I got three-hundred-eight meters. It was so fascinating to watch the car soar through the air!!!!!!!!!
Author: Gabriel Yin
I have been writing blogs for a long time. I wrote them for about two years. I wrote about a lot of things. I wrote songs and just all about things. I wrote about celebrations and stories. It’s very rare for me to get comments on my blogs. I love writing blogs!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah! There are only four more days’till Christmas. I need to hurry because I need to make the things I want to make for dad and mom. The things I make will be very helpful and they will love it! I am really excited for it.[Christmas] See you guys next time!!!!!!!
Today was the last day of term one in school. I have two weeks to hang out and sleep late. It’s also the season of giving. It’s the season of giving because it’s Christmas. I will give respectful things. We will have a special dinner and meet friends and family!!!!!!!!!!
I have two fidget spinners. One glows in the dark and one is a war design. The one that glows in the dark spins faster than the war one. I got them for Christmas two years ago or last year. [I can’t remember] I spin them whenever I am bored and sad!!!!!!!!!!
Today at school I was the helper of the day. The helper of the day does special things. They also get to be at the front of the line when we line up. I helped hand things out and collect things. I collected the tape when we were taking things down!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep Me
Have you ever thought I would write a story with no ides. I start with no ideas and then I think of interesting ideas. I want to make people read this book and like it. It is gonna be a chapter book. It is about a new friend for this owl named Ole. I am on chapter two!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m happy. I’m happy because this is the last week of school for two-thousand-nineteen, or you can call it last day of school for term one. I can stay up late and play video games. I don’t like to go on vacation on breaks. I am not ready for term two.!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday my family and I put up our Christmas tree. Every year we put different colours, this year we did red and gold. We did not put the star on yet. We only used my stocking and Gloria’s stocking because Grace is not here. Only Gloria and I have presents under the tree right now!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a book that has a hundred jokes in it. Some jokes repeat again. There are only three or five knock knock jokes, the rest are just normal jokes. Some jokes are very inappropriate, some are not funny and some are just weird. I got the book for my birthday or Christmas two years ago!!!!!!!!!!