Today is valentines day. I love valentines day. I like it because it is a day full of goodies that are strawberry flavored. I went on a field trip today. I don’t know why it’s on valentines day, just don’t ask why. I hope you have a good valentines! See ya’ll.
Author: Gabriel Yin
Field Trip 2
Oh my goodness, tomorrow is the field trip. I’m not ready, you know why?, because I don’t know where it is. I also have to eat lunch early because of that. I want to see it badly, real badly. You think I’ll be fine guys? Catch ya later folks and people.
Field Trip
I’m going on a field trip on Friday\Valentines Day. We are going to a play called Trek. I don’t know the story at all. I just know that Trek is an ogre and he has a friend that is a donkey. I am excited to see the play. I wonder what chairs we’re gonna sit on?
Flat Now
My bump is now completely flat and has a lot of the bruise colour now. It doesn’t have a whole bunch of red dots anymore. I like that. My teacher didn’t know that I got a bump because she was not at school on Friday. I hope it goes away by the next month.
Birthday Day Who?
Today is someones birthday and he is not a real person. He is a stuffy named Gus and he is two years old. I got Gus on my birthday two years ago. My mother has Gus’s mother, Ice cube. Gus is one of my favorite stuffies. I love him as well.
Bump 2
My bump got way smaller after the night. It still hurts a lot right now. I want it to go away even quicker. The spot has more bruise colour and less red dots. My hair is covering the red dot area right now and some of my hair is growing on top of the bump.
I got a big bump on my forehead. It hurts a lot. My classmate was spinning me in circles holding my back and he accidentally let go and my head hit the wall. It happened at the intermediate undercover and it happened very quickly. A lot of people were scared to see my bump.
I’m actually sorta sick right now. I think it started on Monday. I have to drink medicine [which I don’t like] and I have to sleep earlier [which I also don’t like]. I am felling really okay at school, not coughing and sneezing. I don’t like being sick at all.
I like to play games. What type of games you ask? I like to play learning games and board games. The math learning games is my favorite one tho. In my house I have a lot of board games. I have, Sorry. Monopoly, Blockus and lots more. My favorite one is Life, which I did not mention.
In my class we got a new student. He is a boy and is named Enzo. He came to our school on Monday. He used to be home schooled. He is a Brazilian boy. We have a hard time talking to him because of that, but I think we will get used to it.