Minecraft 1.15.1

I got a newer version of minecraft yesterday. It is version 1.15.1. I LOVE IT!, but sadly it’s not the newest version of minecraft. In the game there are animals added like the turtles, bees, foxes, dolphins and my favorite, pandas. You can tame any of them if you have the right tool.  Pandas get tamed by bamboo and foxes are berries and bees are red roses.


I don’t like math and I do like math. I like multiplication, adding, subtraction, geometry and measurement. I did subtraction at school today I got to page three and only needed nine more questions to get to the last page [ fourth page]. I don’t like  it because the square root part is too hard.


UNO is a card game. One deck of UNO cards is two normal decks. My sister Grace wanted them so she and my mom bought it. The box came with three UNO cards that you cam customize. I customized two of them. I love the game a lot. UNO can be on electronics.