This is the blog that tells you what I did in the eleven hours yesterday. Not just go to school and go to Burnaby North to watch my sister play ping pong\table tennis. I went with dad and mom to buy fish and chips for dinner and we ate it in the car with Gloria.
Author: Gabriel Yin
Eleven hours outside
I spent eleven hours outside today. You probably know that because I am typing this blog later than usual days. I went to school for six hours and spent five hours at Burnaby North to watch my sister play ping pong with dad and mom. Gloria spent twelve hours outside.
I watch minecraft animations. Animations are super duper cool in my opinion! There are different types of animations. Some have noise and some don’t have noise. They can be for fun or for other people to learn from it. I normally watch one that are for fun. I love them.
Pen Pal letters
I wrote a pen pal letter today. It’s for my pen pal, Aryan. I have to write two. I have to write two because my classmate who’s Brazilian been here for like a month and doesn’t know much English. I’m not even done my own letter. All I need is a detailed picture on the piece of paper.
My class is starting measurement in math. It is quite hard to start when you don’t know that much about it. I think it is a very good tool in life. Measurement activities are my least favourite math activities. Why? It’s because it is too hard to understand. I hope you like it!
I like cacti, but I’ve never seen one in real life. I love it so much that me and my friends made a game called “Cacti League”. I love it! I’m the big brother who is fifty seven years old. My friend is my pet and the other kids are either master or little boy.
I like and don’t like Sundays. I don’t like it because I’m bored. I like it because I can spend time with mom and call grace if I’m bored. I am with my mom because dad and Gloria are at the far a way ping pong place. I mostly hate these days.
I’m all alone in the house with my mom right now. Most of the time it’s like this because my sister Gloria has work and my dad is doing some things I don’y know about or just going to RCIA also known as prep for grown ups. I actually like it because I can spend more time with my mom.
PRO D day
Today is my and my sisters Pro d day. A pro d day is a day that children don’t go to school but teachers do. It’s always either on a Monday or Friday and today is Friday. It’s actually raining outside so my plan didn’t work. My plan was to play badminton.
Yesterday was the first day of lent. Lent lasts forty days long and is a whole chunk of life to do three things, fasting, prayer and arms of giving I think. Lent starts on ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is a day that you get crosses on your forehead made of ash.