I have a hard life, but come to think of it… everybody has a hard life. Let me tell you types of people who have a hard life for example, people who have autism have the disability to understand people better and people who have cancer feel pain all the time. Even people who don’t have any of those or other disabilities have a hard life, like me! My sisters have a hard life dealing with me their much younger brother, one is almost 20 and the other is almost 17.
Author: Gabriel Yin
Human fall flat
Human fall flat is a game that you can play on computers on steam. I don’t have a steam account but my sisters do. I first knew the game from watching youtubers. Then yesterday and a time before that my sisters and two of my cousins played that game. I watched them play it and it was really funny… hahahaha. Basically in the all you do is hold onto stuff and jump, and do the obstacle course.
The title stands for “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe” that I talked about a few posts ago. I love that game because it is really fun and I get to play online with people I do not know. I won two rounds of shine thief at the battle course “WuHu town”. Shine thief is when all 12 people or less charge for the shine, and they all aim for one man that has the shine. You have to keep it for twenty seconds, but not all at once.
I didn’t know
I did not know that my blog has upgraded. I did not know because yesterday the words were big but I didn’t think my blog upgraded. I think it’s kinda weird with the with all the words real large. I think that whoever upgraded my blog should’ve told me so I would know, but at least the upgrade worked and I’m happy with it. I really wanted an upgrade anyway and to the Mothers, Happy Mother’s Day!
Sorry about not writing in a long time on my blog. I also don’t know why the words are so big. Anyway back to the point I haven’t wrote in a long time because of school and the video games. I would love to go out and go to the school normally and learn, but we have a big virus called the caronivirus happening around. Right now British Colombia is having a safer time than Ontario and Quebec.
Nintendo Switch
I like to play on the Nintendo switch. It’s a four-hundred dollar game system, other games are usually around one dollar to a hundred dollars. Popular Mario games are eighty-dollars, so are the Kirby games! I like to play Mario Kart eight deluxe on the switch, but my two sisters don’t because the graphics are to good that they get car sick. My whole family like to play Tetris, even me! My sisters downloaded this Tetris game called Tetris 99 and it’s super good. You have to pay to get marathon mode, two player mode, CPU battle mode and local arena.
My 9th Birthday
Yesterday was my 9th birthday. I am really happy to turn nine and remove the booster seat later. I’m happy to be doing some stuff that don’t include the booster seat. I love being older one year. I like to eat my moms cheese cake that she makes with stuff that we buy from other places. I like to smash all the cookies so we can use it to put on the bottom of the cake. I also like to decorate the cheese cake.
My Fifth Tooth Out and About My nieces b-day
I got my fifth tooth out yesterday. I pulled it out by myself again. I stabbed myself with the tooth while I was wiggling it. Yesterday was also my niece’s birthday, she turned three and is named Charlotte! Her birthday is April 24, but yesterday it was the 23rd. It’s like that because she lives in China and China days are actually one more than Canada. I became her uncle when I was six years old so she’s six years younger.
P.S I’m not gonna write about school. I changed my mind
Isolating With Grace
When I’m isolating at home because of COVID-19, I’ve been spending time with my family. We played mahjong, find 24, Scrabble and Tetris 99. We watched kkw, took walks, learned how to bike, played UNO, ate HOT POT and went on school websites.
Instead of going to school, schools have been putting websites for the kid to go on so it’s still school. For example, I’ve been going on websites called “Epic books” and “Play Prodigy”.
What me and my sisters found funny was to say every single word with a b instead of the real letter, like word will turn into bord or love will turn into bove, sadly butter is just butter.
P.S Next post will be about school.
Grace’s Welcome Back
It’s been a few days since I typed a blog post. I did not type because I was to busy spending time together with Grace. When Grace arrived at the airport she did not know my mom and I went there to get her as well because we did not tell Grace that we were coming. She was very surprised. She got a Nintendo Switch recently from dad and is very happy. Now Grace, Gloria\ my sisters and I can play our favourite game Tetris 99. We can also play asphlat legends\9 a driving game that I really like. I love my sister a lot.