We got a new controller for the switch. It’s not the joy cons that we bought. We bought a full on controller. Now we can play with the three of us, Grace, Gloria and me together. It’s design is a super Mario version and Dad told me to go to him so we can buy it at Costco. Dad, Mom and I went to Costco to go grocery shopping and we found it so we bought it. Meanwhile Grace and Gloria were chilling at home.
Author: Gabriel Yin
Milkis is a drink that I like. The original flavour is good but I like the banana one. There’s melon flavour, there’s strawberry flavour(I did not try yet) and peach flavour. When you pour the drink into a cup it looks like the water when the rice is done being washed and you pour it into the sink. That drink was first drank by me about a year and a half ago. I want you to try all the flavours.
Lego Submarine (update)
There are more people now. All the rooms are full. One for iron man, one for Loki, one for the alien, one for a buff man, one for a dog, one for a minecraft guy, one for a robot and one for a hacker. The bad guys are hawkye, batman, botman, charm, and six zombies. The zombies are four police officers that got killed (the only police officers). Two good people used to be in the submarine so are dead there with the evil people.
I love eating Oreo’s at home because I can shove the whole Oreo in my mouth. I also love the flavours mint and candy cane. There was once a man who used the game taiko no tatsujin a drum game I talked about a while ago to do it like a drum. So the red drum’s name is Don and he changed it to o so the blue one’s name is ka and he changed it reo. He coughed in between.
Lego Submarine
I built a Lego submarine yesterday with an inside place that’s actually bigger than it looks. There are six rooms, one for a dog, one for an alein, one for Hawkye, one for Iron Man and one for Loki. That’s five so the last one is a snack room. The two rooms at the front is for driving the submarine. The submarine can get it’s gas back from not moving. I love my creation a lot.
Minecraft Lego and Lego
I watch videos of minecraft Lego and I find the videos super cool. People who make Lego animations in general need a lot of patience to take all the pictures and put them together. I used to watch Lego animations of a Lego man building something. All of my Lego play sets are Lego except for one that I got for Christmas in Twenty-nineteen. It was a Minecraft Lego play set and I got a lava one.
ACNH Deep sea diving
That is a new update that came out on July third. I love this update because you can see the borders of our island. I was wondering how the sharks get in through the nets placed at the borders. I caught a Ocean Sunfish today and it was fat. large and round. It was a blue fish and I thought it might’ve been the fish that Grace wanted to catch. I think it might be it.
ACNH Characters 3
The guests are also characters. The guests names are Lief, Gulliver, Sahara, Cj, Flick, Kicks, Lable and Redd. The nighttime guests are Wisp and Celeste. Ones that come every week are Daisy Mae and K.K. Slider. Daisy Mae comes every Sunday to sell turnips so you can buy them but only from five in the morning to twelve in the afternoon. K.K. slider comes every Saturday to play songs that usually start or has K.K. in it.
Horses in Minecraft
I have a lot of horses in minecraft, but I want more so I can make the big plan I have in mind. The project is to first get flat land, then I’ll add the hurdles, the red track for the horses to run on, hills for the horses to practice going up without falling (plus water) and last but not least put stands for people on top of the horses to hit with a sword.
Avengers Endgame
I watched Avengers Endgame a few days ago and it’s still fresh in my mind. It was sad when Iron man snapped the evil people away and died right there. I loved the shot that had spider man back with his best friend. The whole thing was so sad. The movie came out last year and I was the only one that didn’t watch it because Grace watched it in Toronto, Gloria watched it here and my dad watched it in China.