Kirby Star Alies

I love that game!!! It’s a game on the Nintendo switch that Lulu my cousin bought for us (my siblings and I). It’s about a sphere that has feet and is pink with his friends saving other friends  from dark hearts that look like crystals. The sphere is Kirby and there are many games related to Kirby and he is the main character that looks like me. My favourite character is Meta Knight. He has a giant sword and is cute at the same time as being deadly.


I got a new mattress two days ago. It is soft and hard at the same time. It is softer than my two sisters beds mattress and harder than my mother and father mattress, so my mattress is between theirs. I’ve been waiting for a new mattress for a long time because my original mattress has a lot of pee stains and throw up stains from my two sisters when they were little. I love my mattress!!!

Bad dream (2)

Sorry that I didn’t do this title yesterday. Well there were two versions of part two. One is all of my family members are dead including me and we were discussing how we died and I was crying a lot. It was kinda painful crying in that dream. The other version is just both of my sisters eating pizza at home and my parents and I just show up, tell the story, and then both of my sisters were crying.


I love using headphones when somebody is downstairs with me while I’m watching stuff on youtube because I usually play it out loud but I don’t want them to hear it so… yeah. My ear buds have a little bag that you put the ear buds in and it has ice bear on it, a bear in a cartoon that is my favourite character. It is a blue case and blue wires and the bear is white because it is a polar bear.

Bad Dream

I had a bad dream today and it was only a little bit scary. It had death and a part two (2). It started off with three random people being shot at from a man. They died and the man who killed them motioned my parents and I to go to him because we did not know about the death of the three people. He tried to shoot all three of us with three bullets but he missed. He got my dad’s meat off of his leg, he got my mom’s elbow meat off and my arm’s meat off. I will talk about the Bad Dream part two tomorrow!


I love hugging my mom and my two older sisters. I like hugging them because they are all very soft, smooth and squishy. My mom is very squishy because of her belly that turned big because of her three children. Grace is just smooth and soft because she is very good at taking care of her skin. Gloria is good to hug because her mussels are super squishy and her legs are big, smooth and  very nice.

Sushi dinner

I love eating sushi, even though it’s raw. People say it’s kinda not healthy to eat it right now at the moment because of Covid-19. My family and I ate sushi for dinner yesterday. We ordered it and the went to pick it up. I picked it up with my dad and I sat in the front because I can now sit everywhere except for the drivers seat. I love the California roll even though it has avcado that I don’t like.


Yesterday Grace’s friend Fiona came over to our houde to play video games with our switch’s. It was so fun!!! We played heave ho again and did the circus map with Fiona and something happened that I don’t want to talk about. After that we played super Mario party on her switch and I won with 5/five  stars and 57/fifty-seven coins. Grace got second with 5’five stars and 5/five coins. I don’t remember the place that Gloria got and Fiona’s place. I used Rosalina, Grace used Peach, Gloria used daisy (the three princesses) and Fiona was Yoshi. Then we played Mario Kart 8/eight deluxe. it was fun because I got first on all four tracks so I got perfect. The last thing we played was super smash bro’s and I died in the game a lot.

Hot Weather

In Burnaby we have cold days and hot days but for the past few days It’s been pretty hot but in the beginning of summer it was cold and raining. I personally don’t like hot weather because it’s to hot but I do like how there’s ice cream for days that we can eat. Last year I went to china and It was really hot, like 30 degrees and up. I don’t think summer is one of my favourite seasons.


Yakult is a drink that I love. It is a small bottle and a little bit sour but mostly sweet. I love the drink because it’s not to sour or to sweet. The little bottles have plastic as the lids and it says “shake well” all over it. In fact after this blog post I’ll drink a bottle or Yakult. I’m pretty sure my two sisters also like the drink. I have no idea when I first drank it.