Hey, It’s almost been an entire year since my last post. Apparently my last one was on March 18th 2024. I guess i could say, “A lot has happened since then” but not really? I’m the same guy. Just in a different school and I know more people now, that’s literally it. I’ve gotten taller at least? Now I’m taller than both Grace and Gloria.
Currently my schedule for Grade 8 isn’t the best as it’s pretty unbalanced when it comes to the classes I have on the two days. My Day 1 has Science 8, Math Honours 8, English Enriched 8, French 8, in that order. Having that means 4/5 of my urricular classes are on one day. On day 2 I have ADST, Visual Arts 8, P.E 8, and then Social Studies 8. I feel very tired after each day and have been taking weekly Wednesday naps. Though I don’t do that right now because of Spring Break.
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been watching Some Kamen Rider shows that my sister watched a couple years ago. I’m havig fun! All the shows have arund 40-50 episodes so It’ll take me from five business days to a 2 weeks to finish one show. I have an entire list of different Kamen Rider shows I want to watch. I need an order because some shows have te past shows in them as a crossover so I need to watch a lot more before those ones. So far I’ve watched Kemen Rider Gaim, Kamen Rider Build, and Kamen Rider Kiva, which I finished this morning. I’ll be busy watching these things for a while. I don’t know when the next post will be but I hope it won’t be in a year like last time.